Lori Crouch Blog

Monday, September 14, 2009

This is a contest entry for those crazy folks at TodaysMama and Cricut. Be sure to check out Cricut's cool new cartridges and the chance at $30,000 in travel for you and your friends at the Great Gypsy Escape site! http://bit.ly/FWcud

Great Escape Meme

1. If you could escape to anywhere in the world where would it be?

I love Tucson, Arizona, where I live. My other love is Oahu, Hawaii, where I would also like to live.

2. What song do you play when you are by yourself in the car?

I listen to audiobooks whenever I drive. It makes the time fly!

3. If you had a night to yourself, and money was no object, what would you do?

Scrapbook. I love doing it and money would not change that!

4. What is your guilty pleasure?

Pepsi, and lots of it.

5. What is the farthest place you have traveled away from your home?

New York/Hawaii (equidistant, although in opposite directions.

6. Last book that you couldn't put down?

Saving Fish from Drowning, by Amy Tan

7. When you want to escape into another time, what movie do you watch?

I don't know about "another time," but when I want to escape I watch While You Were Sleeping, with Sandra Bullock and Bill Pullman. I thought the chemistry between them was palpable.

8. What is your favorite local escape?

My book group (Book Babes) which we threaten to rename because it is, first, tea served in real china cups with saucers; then discussion about the book; culminating in a rich and fattening dessert (with more tea). With only four of us (purposely) in the group, there is a sense of comfort and stability. [SIGH] It is a once-a-month haven.

9. How do you escape on a budget?

I "borrow" money from my husband. ;-)

Best food you've ever had while on vacation.

That was at a very fine restaurant in Newport Beach, California, about 25 years ago. I only remember that the name started with an "A." It was so good, I've never forgotten it. I remember ordering the mahi mahi (which was still okay to do at the time, before we decimated their numbers). And, also, there were velvet footstools for the ladies! I've eaten in other very nice restaurants, but never where EVERY LITTLE THING, including the food, was actually first class.


Monday, January 14, 2008

Digital Scrapping

I may convert this blog to one of digital scrapping--my new love--which I could combine with writing--my old love. I'm seriously thinking about it as it would give me an outlet for posting my work as I learn how to do it. Thinking... Thinking... Thinking...

Here is an example of a layout I did with Bonnie Von Esch's Bluebird kit. The picture is of three of my favorite dog-loving friends out running the dogs in freezing temperature (yes, it snows in the desert).

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Discrimination and Hard-Heartedness

Discrimination and Hard-Heartedness

How is it that we can deny someone something as basic as work. Work which will enable them to feed and clothe their families. Barely. Yet, here we are running them down, laying down spikes on the road so that they cannot get away from the Border Patrol. It's as if we who, unless we are native americans, are all immigrants ourselves, want to close the doors after ourselves and not let anyone else in. Or maybe, we will just let in those who are blond and blue eyed because they look better to us. Kind of like during World War II when German american citizens were relatively undisturbed, unlike the Japanese americans who were interred and lost land, businesses, pasts and futures, because they look so distinct from the rest of us. Apparently, we have learned little and persist in our march to hell.

I read that an Ames test (at least I think it was Ames, but I know it was this or something similar) taken by a student contained enough degrading hispanic stereotypes to cause the student to lose precious test time because he was so stunned. He subsequently completed and passed it, but not without sharing his concerns with his community which, to its credit, was up in arms.

Unfortunately, this was not the case in Idaho where the College Republican students at Boise State University announced a forthcoming speech by U.S. Senate candidate Robert Vasquez with a sign that said "Win a Dinner for two at Chapala's Mexican Restaurant! Climb through the hole in the fence and enter your false ID documents into the food stamp drawing!" There were also pictures of fake documentation and food stamps, among others. However, these students and Mr. Vasquez staunchly maintain that they are not racist. If not, then perhaps the word should be retired because, if it cannot apply here, it cannot apply anywhere. And Mr. Vasquez is quoted at the announcement of his candidacy (which was in a Mexican restaurant, by the way) that he identified with Americans and had an American flag in his office, rather than the "chicken and worm" of the Mexican flag. I think there is a worm in this story, but it is not on the Mexican flag.

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Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Technorati Profile

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Very Special Friends

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's Lori!

This is a picture of me at a recent business luncheon.

Thursday Night, July 28, 2005

I was given the onerous assignment of creating a blog. It took an entire five minutes! Now I'm worried about filling the space. What am I going to use it for? Oy.